Country Music – a new passion

To anyone who has read before, my love of listening to music will not be a surprise. Whether walking to or from work, at work or studying, I am always listening to something. As a result it’s always a constant challenge to look for something new and at the moment that’s Country. Over the […]

Cooktown, Far North Queensland

  I have  wanted to visit Cooktown for as long as I can remember. I’m not a Captain Cook oficionado, but I have read a lot about him and his travels. His journey to Australia was epic and his ships stranding on the reef off Cooktown is a central part of his and the Australian […]

Angel of My Dreams – How to find new music

I was reading an article on a UK newspaper website, ‘How Spotify silenced rock bands’  (The Telegraph, 11 August 2024), about the small number of new bands who made it to number one, and with it the challenge of finding new music via streaming services. The article indicated the music we listen to is selected […]

A few days in Brisbane

  With the Adelaide winter clinging on and the desire for warmer weather too much to resist we headed to Queensland for a 10 day break. Although we left Adelaide on a day when the temperature was in the low 20s the forecast for the remainder of the weak was at best bleak! With all […]

Take the turn off – Mundulla & Dimboola

With travel still restricted, we are all being encouraged to travel locally. Australia is vast and highways mean so many of the little towns are a detour off the highway.
In this post I pick two that are definitely worth taking the turn off for. We have!