Author Archives: browney

The Langley Schools Music Project

As I sat at my desk reviewing my data and writing a one page precise for a possible book chapter in a family business publication my Spotify Music Stream produced an odd sound. It was a cover of the Eagles classic “Desperado”. I stopped what I was doing and listened closer, who was signing, why hadn’t I ever heard this version before?

The solo sent shivers down my spine — such an innocent sounding voice. My first thought was of a young voice, but little did I realise how young. The version I was listening to was from The Langley School Music Project, a collaboration of four Canadian elementary schools (the equivalent of a lower primary school in Australia) recorded in a school hall in two-track in the mid-1970s. Of course, the version I was listening to had been remastered, but the simplicity of the recording remained intact.

As I listened further, the school choir element became more obvious particularly with the simple music arrangement of “Band on the Run”. The tambourines and the symbols so reminiscent of school choirs of my era. But why should that be a surprise, it was recorded in my era!

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Lots of writing and genuine progress

In early January I wrote the time for “just writing” was over and that I needed to get back to my PhD and that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing.

View from my study at our beach house. Much better view than my desk at home or at Uni!

More than 10,000 words written. My third of six or possibly seven case studies about family wine businesses now largely written, and the chapter on the first stage of my research completed, even in the eyes of my Supervisors!

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The Diary of a Slow Traveler – Amateur Traveler and other blogs

As we start to plan our next trip I found myself immersed in travel books and searching the web for inspiration.

I love travel books, travel programs and just surfing the web about travel. I am watching Michael Portello’s train journeys at the moment. Even Escape to The Country and Escape to the Continent have provided useful travel trips. Travel books are fun, but more recently I have found that they are more useful to people planning their trips than to us!

So I thought I’d mention how we have used blogs and forums and some of the sources we have relied upon for inspiration and valuable information in our travel.

I found out about rail travel from the man in seat 61. Relying on Mark Smith’s advice I have graduated from having the travel agent book my train travel to being completely comfortable travelling through Europe, reading timetables and making my own bookings. Sure I have missed trains and misread timetables but that has led to some pretty amazing experiences like an unforgettable Bastille weekend in Paris when we should have been on the train to the Amalfi Coast!

As we plan our trips I type a country or place into the search engine and see what I can find.  Continue reading

Warning Warning Warning


Following an email this morning that my website had been the subject of some form of attack I thought it might be worth reposting this post from 2014. I am pleased to report that with a further upgrade to my security package the threat is now resolved.


A couple of nights ago I received an email from Sitelock telling me of a critical vulnerability at my website.

I only had a vague idea of what that meant although I was sure it wasn’t good!

After a chat with Sitelock who are webcow, my webpage host’s security provider it was clear that it wasn’t good, in fact it was very bad. Apparently, I had inadvertently linked to something nasty and if I didn’t fix it my blog would be blacklisted by search engines.

After more than a year of posting and a month spent on seriously building web presence, this sounded disastrous. What did I need to do? Who could help? I was in a mild (actually not so mild) panic.

As someone not the slightest bit tech savvy, I knew it wasn’t going to be the one who was going to be able to fix this problem. The good news is that in the words of every boat owner a “cheque will fix it”, although in my case it’s a Visa Card! The security provider was able to remove the malicious links and then for a further modest fee I was able to buy annual protection so that this never happens again. What a relief!

It’s a valuable, albeit scary lesson.

I’m protected, are you?

The time for just writing is over it’s back to my PhD


In the last few weeks, I have just been writing for fun. Four published blog posts and a couple of drafts for future reference.

It’s been nice to just free write after spending most of the last year working on my PhD thesis. Over the last twelve months, pretty much every time I have thought about just writing, I have had a sense of guilt that I should be working my thesis. However, across the Christmas New Year period, I made the decision to put the thesis away and have a break. Continue reading