Source : Amazon.com
Its 50 years ago today that the immortal Sound of Music hit the screens. I would be lying to say that I don’t still enjoy the soundtrack.
I haven’t seen the movie for some years, but I must have seen it 50 times. I stopped counting after I’d seen it 7 times in the theatre as a child. I remember the first time I saw it, a Saturday matinee at the now defunct Regent Theatre.

Source: http://regentarcade.com.au/History.aspx
My grandparents took my sister and I for a Saturday outing, Something they did most weekends when we were little. After that I don’t recall who I saw it with, though I am fairly sure it wasn’t with my school friends, as none of us would have admitted we liked it – it just wouldn’t have been cool. Then as our own children were little I remember watching it with them.
From the opening scene until the end it’s just a classic of its time. We certainly don’t make musicals like that these days.
The soundtrack is quite amazing. Continue reading