Category Archives: Second Valley

100 Up

So this my 100th Post – It’s timing is perfect just as I start my next journey.

Michael Clarke’s Celebration after reaching 100 in Adelaide. Source: au

My blog has not met the WordPress suggested approach of a theme and stick to it. Rather it has been the thoughts of a fifty something as he contemplates what’s next. 

While it hasn’t been a “Dear Diary” it certainly has been a reflection on my thoughts. There has been plenty on music including my discovery of Country Music and the regular paying homage to The Boss. There have been posts on our trip to Europe and our plans for 3 months in Italy. There’s also been the opportunity to post on our local scene – the fabulous Adelaide Oval, Tour Down Under and Second Valley. I have also mentioned my move back to study on numerous occasions but the topic I expected would appear most being Sport has only been mentioned sparingly.

It has  enabled me to meet an objective of writing a thousand words a month and I think also improved my writing skills. 

It’s a time for celebration!

So near and yet so far …. Second Valley

We are privileged to have a beach house at idilyc Second Valley just 90kms from the centre of Adelaide. Its a stunning location with a gorgeous beach.


From our beach house balcony you can see the city. Infact when they used to play night games of AFL at AAMI Stadium you could see the lights, yet try and get anything to it from Adelaide and you would think you were in some remote location on the other side of the world.

You can see the city from here!

You can see the city from here!

Recently we tried to have a bench top delivered and the quote was roughly double the cost of having the same item delivered to Bejing!

There is a point to this…

On Friday I headed out to watch the 3rd stage of the Tour Down Under. Continue reading

Tour Down Under – Southern Fleurieu




Today’s stage of Australia’s major bike race was in my favourite part of South Australia. It was a glorious day as I set out for a ride to take in the atmosphere. It was also the stage where the public get to ride the stage, so rather than being a lone ride there were thousands of fellow cyclists on the road.

The stage started in the city and then worked its way down to the Southern Fleurieu with the highlight of the stage being the ride across the Myponga Dam Wall




I rode to the hill Continue reading

Second Valley, South Australia


Second Valley is located on the western shore of Fleurieu Peninsula and is surely one of the most beautiful spots in South Australia. The natural beauty of the undulating hills and the rugged coastline is always picturesque whether seen in the dry of summer or the green of winter.

So says Ron Blum as he opens his book The Second Valley A History of Second Valley South Australia

It was during the public ride for the Tour Down Under that I really discovered Second Valley. A day which was so far beyond hot it didn’t matter. I had cramp early in the ride not surprising given it was 40c plus and which made all of the hills a major challenge. The road was melting under my wheels!

I reached Leonard’s Mill and sat in the shade simply to recover before attempting yet another hill. One which on a normal day would have been simple. While I was sitting there a group of locals rolled out of the pub after a cold beer and had a chat. I must have looked quite a sight!


In any event, I took a mental note of the place as we searched for a new beach house. We had a place at Aldinga but

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