Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Drive for the line – completing my PhD thesis

Back from an amazing 6 weeks in Israel and Europe, its now time to knuckle down and complete my PhD thesis.

While I was away I used siesta time and early in the day to work on a Book Chapter for a book on family business. The first draft is due for submission in the next week or so.

I have a final version of an article for submission and inevitable rejection.

After a meeting with my Supervisors, I have a timetable for submission of my thesis. So now its time to drive for the finish line.

Over the next few months, my blog will chart my progress to a mid-May final draft for my Supervisors for review and then to its submission for examination in the first week of July 2020.

To remind myself of life away from my PhD each post will have a photo from our recent trip!

The Natural History Museum, London

Warning Warning Warning


Following an email this morning that my website had been the subject of some form of attack I thought it might be worth reposting this post from 2014. I am pleased to report that with a further upgrade to my security package the threat is now resolved.


A couple of nights ago I received an email from Sitelock telling me of a critical vulnerability at my website.

I only had a vague idea of what that meant although I was sure it wasn’t good!

After a chat with Sitelock who are webcow, my webpage host’s security provider it was clear that it wasn’t good, in fact it was very bad. Apparently, I had inadvertently linked to something nasty and if I didn’t fix it my blog would be blacklisted by search engines.

After more than a year of posting and a month spent on seriously building web presence, this sounded disastrous. What did I need to do? Who could help? I was in a mild (actually not so mild) panic.

As someone not the slightest bit tech savvy, I knew it wasn’t going to be the one who was going to be able to fix this problem. The good news is that in the words of every boat owner a “cheque will fix it”, although in my case it’s a Visa Card! The security provider was able to remove the malicious links and then for a further modest fee I was able to buy annual protection so that this never happens again. What a relief!

It’s a valuable, albeit scary lesson.

I’m protected, are you?

In Arsene we trust – End of an era

Arsene Wenger (Source:


“To all the Arsenal lovers take care of the values of the club.

My love and support forever.”

-Arsene Wenger

Sitting on the other side of the world last Friday night as The Adelaide Crows, my AFL team, won a thrilling encounter against the odds, my favourite person called out that Arsene had announced his retirement. I felt numb.

I have followed Arsenal since the early 70s where the only way to get news of how they were going was via the classified results on the radio on a Sunday morning and then perhaps seeing some highlights on Match of the Day on a Wednesday night. With the

advent of PayTV, I have been able to watch Arsenal play. The timezone means games are on at all hours of the night and with my only company the cat, I perfected the silent cheer so as not to wake the house when Henry, Adebayor, Giroud and now Ramsay, Lacasette and Aubameyang score.

For nearly half those years Arsene Wenger has been ever present on the boundary. His clenched fist cheer at a goal, sideline arguments with other managers and the fourth official, as well as his struggles with his puffer jacket are my memories of Arsene.

Like all Arsenal supporters and perhaps all football supporters, I marveled at The Invincibles Continue reading

The Diary of a Slow Traveller – The Southern Fleurieu, South Australia

Sunset at Second Valley

Recently South Australia has been getting some attantion as a hidden gem. AS a local I can only say to those who are thinking of visiting SA – come on down.

We have just had a couple of days on the glorious Fleurieu Peninsula, where we are lucky enough to have a beach house. I love it because our beach house is in a quiet little town, Second Valley where we can hide away  and with the start of winter relax by the fire.

I also love the opportunity to ride up over the range and toward SA’s major tourist town of Victor Harbour about 60 kms away, across to Cape Jervis where the Ferry terminal is for the short trip across to Kangaroo Island or to ride a loop that takes in the range, Torrens Valley and then the stunning coastline at Lady Bay.

I thought for this post I’d let some pictures I took tell the story…

Continue reading

What streaming service to listen too

If you were a regular coffee buddy of mine you’d already know that my life runs on music. You’d also know that I am in the first year of a PhD program that follows on from completing Honours last year. My study has been fueled on coffee and a lot of music. I estimated that I listened to more than 20,000 songs during my Honours!

So as we catch up on coffee I’d ask you what are you listening to and how are you listening to it? I’d get into the specifics and quickly I’d get to my current dilemma – Apple Music or Spotify supported by a Pandora. You of course were expecting the topic of conversation over coffee to be on the US elections and its impact on us in Australia!

Before you had a chance to change the topic I’d continue with my topic telling you pandora-thumbprint-862x647that I like all three. I’d quickly explain that I see Pandora as a great companion to my mainstays of Spotify and Apple Music. Pandora is easy as the music is selected for me and with the best part of a thousand Thumbprints Pandora makes listening easy.

However if I want to listen to something specific Pandora’s greatest asset, that it does it all for you becomes a problem, so its off to either Spotify or Apple Music.

I’d explain to you the history of how a couple of years ago I moved from iTunes to Spotify. As I transitioned away from CDs I’d found iTunes an easy way to carry all my own music with me.  This was because I had downloaded my hundreds of CDs to my iTunes Library via iTunes Match. That way my CDs were available everywhere on my iPod, particularly with the work travel timetable I was on at the time. About the same time as my iPod froze for the last time I also  decided that buying CDs from the almost nonexistent CD Stores in Adelaide was no longer satisfying as they didn’t have the range and with that I moved to Spotify.spotify

It was initially a bit  of a hassle finding what I liked but I got used to it and at the same  time Spotify got better. As a Premium user, that is I pay for it, I was able to download music so I could listen offline solving a dilemma of listening while traveling which I was still doing. Continue reading