Category Archives: Uncategorized

Planning for our time away

It’s two weeks until we finally start our 3 months in Italy. In my list of What’s Next it’s been an ever present. It’s been the subject of a number of posts over the last three years and now it’s actually within touching distance. Is have to say I’m getting excited.

It’s a new experience slow travel, daytime flights with a number of stopovers before we get to Milan where our time in Italy begins. It will be a completely different approach to travel. Much less planned than in the past. We have a couple of weeks to get from Milan to Sicily where we plan to spend 7 weeks before another couple of weeks to get back to Rome for the trip home. But before we get to Italy we have a couple of days in Sri Lanka which at no point until the travel agent suggested it had been on our places to go list.

We are looking forward to seeing elephants! Source:

Apart from booking the airfares through a travel agent we have arranged everything ourselves. 

Accommodation will be a combination of hotels and Airbnb all sourced online. The level of choice is almost overwhelming.  It’s so different from our first big trip away at Christams 1998, where the complete extent of our online bookings was to email the New York Ballet to book for their New Year’s Eve performance of The Nutcracker. The tickets came back by post!


We have also been able to get a good idea of what to do in many of the places we are visiting by simply googling “One Day in Colombo” or “2 Days in Milan” etc,  it’s just all there. It means our bags won’t be weighed down with travel guides, just iPads and a laptop! 

However, before we get on the plane I have my thesis to finish (almost done), assignments to mark (not started) and a consulting job (underway) to complete!

Are Cyclists like Cats on a Rainy day?

Our Cat!

Our Cat!

I was struck by a thought as I walked back from University on a wet cold Adelaide winter’s day.

Are Cyclists like Cats on a Rainy day?

On rainy days our cat wanders from window to window seeing if it is raining outside each. I found myself effectively doing the same on my walk home. It wasn’t raining behind me which was towards the coast but it was in the hills which were in front of me. So, maybe a flat ride might be OK? Then once home the sun was shining out to the north – maybe that was the direction for a ride?

In any event, shortly thereafter the wind came up, the clouds took over and down came the rain. Like our cat everywhere I looked there was no respite. Another day without a ride.

As a result, just 25kms on the bike in the last 10 days but it has enabled me to spend hours and hours on my thesis. Not a bad thing as a recent discussion with the Honours Co-ordinator confirmed that I have just 12 weeks to finish it. With that thought has come the first hint of panic. Continue reading

So that’s Chapter 3 not done

The last week or so has seen  a concerted effort to get Chapter 3 of my thesis my Research Methodology completed for discussion with my supervisor. I’d reworked and reworked the draft over the last few weeks. I was happy with the general outline and key sections so I emailed it to my Supervisor on the weeekend ready for a meeting on Tuesday.

I’d looked at a number of suggested approaches to writing the Research Methodology chapter and felt I was on track. My reading suggested I needed to tell a story which I thought I’d done. I knew it was too long at about four thousand five hundred words but felt I could bring the words down with some editing.

So off to my meeting I went feeling reasonably comfortable with where I was at. After some general discussion my supervisor got my draft out. A line through most of the first page wasn’t a good start! Bluntly, my supervisor didn’t feel I’d taken the correct approach and it would need to be completely rewritten. 

I’ve said before that I like the critical evaluation process that my study is producing however this time I was feeling decidedly uncomfortable and even a little upset. I gritted my teeth and took the advice on the chin only making some general comments as I listened, all the while, knowing my next couple of weeks would be a refocus on Research Methodology rather than turning my attention to my Literature Review chapter and Data Collection. My supervisor tried to put a positive spin on what I’d written saying it had shown I understood the concepts but that it wasn’t what would be required in my thesis. It wasn’t what the examiners would be expecting to see.

I thanked him for his feedback which I know was well meaning and constructive however for the first time in the last year I felt genuinely down hearted. It was the true realization that I have a very long way to go on this journey.

 My university is about a 25 minute walk from home so plenty of time to reflect. My spirits hadn’t lifted by the time I got home. I’d planned to keep working on it when I got home but couldn’t be bothered. A night infront of the TV was all I felt like before I faced upto the rewrite.

Next week will be “What’s Next”!

While I will have a little tidying up  through April, this is the last week in the office of a firm I have worked at for over 20 years and in an environment that has consumed me for over37 years. Wow!

This is the last week for saying “I’ll see you during the week”. My formal client roles are pretty much all dealt with.  I’ve attended my last partners meeting! It’s pretty much done.

All that’s left is to tidy up, have some final individual chat’s with my team and attend a couple of farewell events  and then Friday night my career in professional services will be over.

This week is truly my last week of transition. After that it’s not transition, it’s actually “What’s Next”.

Time for riding, study, tutoring, travel and…

Dawn Second Valley

Note: Linked to WordPress Daily Post  Crossroads


3 Weeks to go!

I started this blog just over two and half years ago. It was one part of a process to prepare me for “What Next”. At that time my favourite person and I had just come back form a retreat that my firm puts on for partners who are over 50 and is designed to assist them with transition from the firm.

Armed with an action plan from the retreat and some thoughts about “What Next” from a book I’d read, I set about a plan to be ready for “What Next”.

“What Next” is now a little less than 3 weeks away!

Back then my plan was to have a reason to write a thousand words a month as I experimented with writing in different styles.  I had this romantic notion of a career as a writer. It was naive I now know, but it was a great place to experiment. Since then I have completed nearly 100 posts, written regular articles in The Adelaide Review on business and writen about 25,000 words as initially I undertook  a couple of undergrad subjects in a Media Degree and then started my  Honours.

I also had some initial thoughts about an academic career.  I could lecture. It all seemed straight forward.  I had no idea of the process, simply assuming I’d turn up and be welcomed with open arms. The welcome has been very warm indeed, as it seems my experience is highly regarded, but I don’t have the academic stripes. However, just over two years on from embarking on that pursuit I have a very sound idea of what’s required, I am half way through Honours, getting my head around my PhD application and have some casual lecturing filling in for others and two tutorial classes. I’m definitely on my way.

While my primary focus has been academia, I also don’t won’t to lose touch with my past life in profesional services. So far I’ve been privledged to have had approaches to work with some very exciting local firms. I’m looking forward to being involved.

Then there’s me time. More time for the bike. Already this year I’ve had more time to spend with my riding buddies, as I haven’t needed to race off after the ride to get to work quite so early. I’ve very much enjoyed the opportunity to just sit around and talk the usual post ride rubbish. But in 3 weeks I can get those extra rides in. My challenge will be to get back to over 200kms per week for the period to 30 June. Back into the hills, build my strength and get fit.

Then there more us time. I’m looking forward to more time at the beach and traveling with my favourite person. Our plans for 3 months in Italy are taking shape. Perhaps starting in the North as a winter begins and then having Christmas in Sicily before wending our way back toward Rome and then home.  We can be like the couple I chatted to on the ferry across to South Perth a couple of nights ago (when I was on one of my last business trips in my current role) who have embraced retirement with gusto, taking time to travel completely relaxed and unhurried.

So with 3 weeks to go there’s plenty ahead of me.

It really isn’t long until  “What’s Next”.

Street Art – Hindley St, Adelaide