Gran Caffe Gambrinus -Naples
If we were having coffee I would ask you why do you write your blog?
Is it in the hope that you’ll make your fortune, that someone will actually read and like it, or some other reason?
As I was sitting at coffee this morning I was asking myself these very questions. This was in part because I was surprised that almost no one had viewed my post on Record Store Day. Sipping my flat white, I asked myself why it mattered? Normally I’m not fussed because my blog although public was more an outlet for me to meet a goal I set myself of writing a thousand words a month as I planned for “What’s Next” . I worked out early that there was no fortune to be made with www.browney237.com!
As I reflected on this, I realised that my post on Record Store Day had been written from a different perspective to many of my other posts. Continue reading