You just can’t top a hand-painted card from your one-year-old grandson as the best present you could ever get on Father’s Day.

The card was the surprise and highlight of my Father’s Day.
What was not a surprise was my children giving me Bruce Springsteen’s latest album “Western Stars” on vinyl. It is quite possibly the best Springsteen album since Born to Run!
Yes, a big statement but its one I’m going with. I have pretty much had it on continuous play since it was released on Spotify. Now I can play it on my Rega Planer turntable.
It’s so different from Born to Run. It’s mellow. It’s not raw. But like Born to Run, you think you have a favourite song and then the next song comes on and that’s a new favourite. Surely it’s Side A track one, Hitch Hikin’, no it’s Tucson Train, or perhaps actually it’s Western Stars. Once the four sides finish its back to Side A. Oh, how I remember going through the same process when Born to Run came out. I literally played the grooves off it. I think I have bought four copies of Born to Run on vinyl, multiple copies on CD and now have it on Spotify and a version live from Springsteen’s library of concerts.
Western Stars is rich. Springsteen’s voice is clear and there is a powerful wall of sound behind his voice. It’s got strong country roots. Oh my, how good is this album!

Following on from his Broadway Show which I also have on vinyl, Western Stars marks a departure, temporary I am sure, from his E-Street Band Albums, but not the way Nebraska and others did. Those albums were deliberately bare, stripped down and raw. Western Stars takes the production of the E-Street Band albums and adds, I was going to say a personal touch, but the E-Street Band is Springsteen’s persona.
Western Stars is a Springsteen Epic.
I’m glad you’re enjoying the Boss’ latest album so much. It took me a while to get into it, but I’m getting there now. It’s a hard call to pick a favourite from his albums: they’re all so good!
I have no trouble picking my favourite Springsteen album – Born to Run.
I love the new album and find myself listening to it on a very regular basis. I suspect it might become a classic.
Indeed it might, especially as it will have the movie to support it (due out next Monday). I’d put Born in the USA up there with Born To Run, too.
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