In recent weeks as our time away recedes to a very lovely memory its been back to study. Days spent walking the Island of Ortigia with the only concern being where to find a coffee have been replaced with meetings with my Supervisors, the research librarian etc, all part of the early stages of my PhD. Sure I have high levels of motivation but these are matched by even higher levels of anxiety.
Its time to settle down and get my reading underway (there is always more reading), wrestle with my research proposal ( six months to prepare seems a long time but it will fly by I’m sure) and the critical issue of “what is the question?” I thought I knew what my research question would be but now I’m not sure and that is what is contributing to my anxiety.
However, facing the challenge with weekend views like this from my writing perch at Second Valley make it so much easier. So much more pleasant than my desk at University or even my study at home.

Who is watching who?
Second Valley is about 90 kms from Adelaide on South Australia’s idyllic Fleurieu Peninsular and just 15 kms from the ferry to Kangaroo Island.
Post inspired by the WordPress Photo Challenge Landscape
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