I have been an Arsenal fan from afar for the best part of 50 years. Living on the other side of the world meant that I either had to be near the radio for the classified results on a Sunday morning or hope our local daily had enough column space to print the results. on a Monday or Tuesday. I used to read Shoot magazine with my copy arriving at the newsagent weeks after it came out in England. The only TV coverage was Match of the Day The Big Match hosted by Brian Moore and the FA Cup final.
The momentous 1989 last game of the season at Anfield was a rare live match shown on TV. It was a real treat. More recently, with the advent of PayTV I have been able to watch Arsenal every week. One of the joys of no longer working full time means I can watch a game at 1 or 2 am as I can sleep in.

I visited Emirates Stadium in 2008 for a legends tour hosted by Charlie George whose poster was on my bedroom wall as a youngster. My photo taken with him during that tour is a wonderful memory. It was in mid 2019 that I finally saw Arsenal in real life. It was a life highlight and one I will cherish for the rest of my life, as with travel so restricted these days I am not sure I will get back.
Yes, I am a remote supporter. For me, it’s watching a game on the couch, almost always only in the company of the cat but Arsenal is my team. I have been a member for a number of years. I guess I am a “legacy fan” albeit that I can’t attend home match days or be at the away end but I sure as heck care.
Your devotion to the wrong team is touching! But I’m glad that modern technology makes it easier for you to keep up with them. A small point, but Brian Moore – who was excellent – actually presented The Big Match, which was ITV’s copy of Match Of The Day. The latter was, I think, initially presented by David Coleman – most sports programmes were, in those days! Maybe you got both of them?
Yes you are right it was The Big Match. All such a longtime ago. I’ll correct the post. Thanks Clive.