Thank you Spotify, Pandora and iTunes

My thesis is now submitted. Yippee! My computer has seized up. It’s last action being to successfully convert my thesis from Word to PDF. After that it simply gave up and so has my brain.  The submission process was like nothing I’d ever experienced. I delivered it (3 bound copies) to my university’s research office […]

Thousands of Words and Thousands of Tracks

With just ten weeks to go until my formal thesis draft is due for review  I was reflecting on what music has accompanied my recent studies. Each week I listen to so much music with the result that across the period of my Honours i could have listen to more than twenty thousand tracks. It’s […]

100 Up

So this my 100th Post – It’s timing is perfect just as I start my next journey.   My blog has not met the WordPress suggested approach of a theme and stick to it. Rather it has been the thoughts of a fifty something as he contemplates what’s next.  While it hasn’t been a “Dear […]

2014 – That’s a wrap and now for 2015

Well that’s 2014 over and 2015 has begun. 2014 has been about transition, getting over relevance deficit syndrome as I handed over my clients and relationships,embracing study, discovering country music(sorry to my wife, family and friends and my dear blogging friend, David Perry), comfortably meeting my cycling target of over 5000kms for the year and […]

Well that’s done but it couldn’t have been done without the music or The future is Streaming!

20,000 words, an exam and oral presentation and this academic year is done! Maybe just as significant is the amount of music listened too. Day after day, Spotify has continued to provide a seemingly endless stream of music, supported by Pandora and my substantial iTunes library. Through this year many of my posts have highlighted […]