My last week or so have been interesting to say the least. Whilst there has been no secret about my retiring from my firm, it’s now common knowledge amongst my staff, partners, clients and associates. No hiding anymore and no denial!
At one level it’s liberating. My replacement is intact and as he takes over the reigns I am not feeling the slightest resentful but it’s certainly different. As one of my friends, and more importantly a major influence on my career said, it’s coming to terms with your lack of relevance which is the challenge. He’s definitely right on that one. No one is coming to me to make the decision, it’s the new breed’s role. My advice is being sought on occasions but it’s all happening around me.
As I said, I’m not resentful but I am unsettled. Decisions being taken today for the future are interesting, but I won’t be around to see them through. I have no currency in new client meetings anymore and for my long standing clients it’s about transitioning them into new relationships. For the first time in 27 years I had no responsibility for raising fees. My relevance is declining and it’s happening very quickly
I can’t deny that there is a sense of emptiness which is only partially filled by my study. The rest is filled with a sense of uneasiness about how this will truly play out?
I can see how this would be difficult. It’s good you started your studies at this time. It gives you a goal to work towards and something to pour your energy into. As your work slowly winds down you might want to look into some kind of volunteer work. There are projects where former businessmen give advice and guidance to young people starting companies. This would give you the opportunity to share what you have learned over the years.
I enjoy my mentoring of younger professionals and under grads. It is certainly something that I would like to continue with and expand upon.
It’s a malady that affects most of us, I think – our identities become tied to our jobs. But once you’ve actually left, you’ll be surprised how quickly you find yourself again, provided you have something to keep your mind busy! it must be awful for those who retire and do nothing.
Thanks for your comments.its certainly a very interesting time.
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