Tag Archives: Australian bushfires

Australia’s bushfires

I have a basic rule for my blog. I won’t post or comment on politics. I learnt with one tweet very early in that this was a very bad idea and I continue to confine my tweets and posts to things non-political.

This post is to say thank you to all of those paid or unpaid who are working tirelessly to save property and life during this bushfire season.

I have seen firsthand the damage that these fires can do. I am not posting photos because I didn’t take any as we went to visit my sister and her partner at their hills property for a belated Christmas celebration. Her house only exists care of the brave efforts of their neighbours. To them, I say a special thank you.

As the bushfire crisis continues we seem so pre-occupied with political point-scoring. Until so recently, as a country when disasters hit we banded together and got on with it and let the politicians deal with it at some point in the future.

In my lifetime there have been many such occasions, Cyclone Tracey, Ash Wednesday Bushfires, Floods and more Bushfires. Until recently it was how can we help? Now its who can we blame?

I’m sad.