Daily Prompt: What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world?
Actually nothing!
I never started my blog to be anymore than a repository for my writing. Across 11 or so years there have been 258 posts on various topics that were loosely based around “What’s Next” in my life, as I transitioned from a professional consulting career to the next phase of my life. Feel free to peruse or don’t.
I rarely check my viewing stats and almost never promote my posts via other sources. My blog is just a personal commentary about what we or I am upto,
My blog is non- political. It always has been and always will be. I’m certainly interested in politics but I don’t want to post about it here.
I have a belief system but I doubt I’ll post about it.
However, this prompt was timely as I have been giving thought to what next for my blog. this prompt has helped crystallise my thoughts which I intend to expand upon in my next post.