Tag Archives: Sicily

Riding on the other side of the road – Siracusa

Today was an opportunity for me to get on the bike for the first time and go for a ride. It had been over a month since I’d had my last ride so I was definitely looking forward to it.


I had toyed with the idea of riding the roads around Lake Como and had explored hiring bikes before we left. I very quickly dismissed that idea once I saw the narrowness of the roads, however in Siracusa the roads are wider even if there is a lot more traffic.

Our amazing Airbnb host doubles as a tour guide. He set a course for a ride around the big harbor, to the lighthouses, old World War Two lookout points, some of the beaches and the general surrounding area. We covered just over 50kms on hybrid bikes.

As it was my first ride in Siracusa, I set new personal records for each and every segment on Strava! I don’t plan to publish my time or average speed as they were at best slow. It really didn’t matter.

As we stopped at destoyed World War Two sites, I had the realization that this had been foreign soil that the Allies had to win from the people who were now our wonderful hosts..

World War Two observation post destroyed before the Allies arrived.

World War Two observation post destroyed before the Allies arrived.

We stopped for coffee at a couple of bars, the second of which was a lifesaver for me as I was exhausted. Coffee and a ricotta pastry that gave me the energy to ride the last few kms back.

It was a most enjoyable ride and I had managed to ride on the right hand side of the road the whole time!

It was windy!

It was windy!

Looking back to Siracusa

Looking back to Siracusa


Diary of a Slow Traveller – 13 December, Santa Lucia Celebration

We arrived in Siracusa just a few days before the major religious celebration of the city – the Santa Lucia procession. I’d read so much about Santa Lucia a Christian martyr who was killed in the Fourth Century and was genuinely excited that we would be in Siracusa to witness it. As I tweeted, sitting watching the people outside the Cathederal, I did feel the excitement building.

Street vendors

Street vendors

All morning the street vendors had been setting up to sell their wares – sweets, balloons, souvenirs of the festival, toys and mobile phone covers. There were also craft markets and special food stores where we bought some locally produced mandarin marmalade and thyme flavored honey.

Late morning outside the Cathederal

Late morning outside the Cathederal

Our wonderful Airbnb hosts invited us as their guests to join them for lunch Continue reading

Day One – Sicily

So after an early start and a last trip down the stairs in our Airbnb apartment in Florence, it was time to head to Syracusa, Sicily. Our taxi arrived a minute or so after we got our luggage downstairs and it was a short trip to a very foggy Florence airport. Our plane left on time.

One last time!

One last time!

After about 40 minutes we were in Rome and then onto Catania. We had been concerned that the recent eruption of Mt Etna might have caused problems in getting to Catania but the eruption had settled down making it a spectacular fly past. Shortly after we were on the ground at Catania airport and greeted by our next Airbnb host, who also provided the transfer to our apartment in Syracuse where will be our based for the next 7 weeks!

The views from the bedrooms and kitchen were amazing as was the weather a very balmy 19C – what a difference from the low teens and below temperatures we had experienced in the previous two weeks. Even better news, it looks like the weather will be like this for another week or so at least.


Our Airbnb hosts then took us to Ortigia and the street market which was wrapping up for the day. Evenso we were still able to stock up on some fruit and vegetables. Continue reading

Planning – Italy 2015

Mt Etna

Mt Etna

For the very few of you who have followed my blog since it early days (apart from thank you) you will know that as I focussed on “What’s next” I have wanted to spend 3 months in Italy. In Novemebr 2015 we will – well almost- Insurance and Visa rules mean it will be a few days short.

Agrigento - Sicily

Agrigento – Sicily

On insurance, my new post fulltime work cost saving regime means we will use our credit card policy which allows only 90 days for the trip. While on the cost cutting, yet again, I couldn’t face the cost of Business Class (just over double the cost of economy). We have decided however that we will only do daytime flights – we are not in a hurry.

To do this we enlisted the support of a travel agent something we haven’t done on recent trips given the resources available online. Our initial discussions weren’t that fruitful with agents suggesting that it really wasn’t feasible. Then we stumbled upon a very helpful travel agent who seemed to immediately grasp the idea. She understood that we are not we weren’t in a hurry so flying in a number of steps is not a problem to us. Infact the whole idea of this holiday is slow travel – apparently this brings the cost down? Using stop-overs in Singapore,Sri Lanka and Dubai we land in Milan having flown only during the day. Our return will be Rome, Dubai, Singapore, then home via Perth. To claim the Perth leg is a day flight is a stretch (lands at midnight) but it is only a short hop from Singapore – so I will claim it. We won’t have to attempt to sleep on the plane which is something I really struggle with. It also provides an opportunity to spend a few days in Sri Lanka, something that wasn’t on our agenda previously and for my favourite person it will be her first visit to Singapore. Continue reading

Status Update – the completion of the first month of “What’s Next”

Wow a month down already. Where did I have time for work?

My thesis is now back on track. I’d ignored it over the month of March as I wound out of life at my firm. I then submitted a draft of my Research Design Chapter that my supervisor said just wasn’t OK. I’ve now resubmitted it and got the OK to proceed. My data collection is moving forward with a number of hills wineries now interviewed. I still have a number to do. The interview transcripts are coming back for review and analysis. I have also made a start on my Introduction and Literature Revew a chapters. 

I have continued with my Uni tutoring, have completed one guest lecture in an MBA Program and have been invited to give another. I have also been asked to act as Research Assistant in a new project – that’s exciting! I have also at the advice of my supervisor started to meet with potential supervisors for my PhD which I hope to commence in early 2016,

I have also formalised some advisory opportunities and started to meet with my new clients. That too is very exciting and so rewarding. I am also excited at the discussions I’ve had with people about other opportunities to build new and interesting networks. 

Then there is bike riding. I’ve met my objective of riding to Mt Lofty at least once each week and increased my kilometres significantly. My objective of 2500 kilometers by 30 June may have been a little ambitious but I am getting into the hills more regularly, getting fitter and losing weight.

Then there is the matter of our plans for Italy later in the year. We have settled on an a basic itinerary and are thrilled that each of our children are planning to spend some time with us in Sicily. We still have six months before we leave so plenty of time to plan.

Oh, I have also had a few work commitments to attend too as well.