Tag Archives: Wedding Anniversary

Tasmania and 45 years

Ships anchor – Narrinya

A very long time ago and seemingly a world ago, my favourite person and I had our honeymoon in Tasmania. A few months ago, we decided that as my favourite person hadn’t been back since, we would have a week in Hobart to celebrate our wedding anniversary.

We spent a few days in Melbourne on the way over as there are no direct flights from Adelaide to Hobart, and we had some family matters to attend to. I quite like Melbourne, but my favourite person isn’t so keen on the place. She finds it dreary and dark, however, she finds the shopping to her taste and the food good.

The former was a bonus, as when she opened her case in Melbourne she found she had left her more formal attire at home!

” Well played”, was the comment my daughter made.

It certainly opened up the opportunity for some new purchases in one of Australia’s best shopping locations. A dress from Scanlon and Theodore and another from Jac and Jack fixed the matter.

A bonus of one of the purchases was a complimentary pass to The LUME, a digital art experience around Van Gogh. It was magical. Set to music was a kaleidoscope of moving pictures telling the story of Van Gogh’s art. Just fabulous.

Van Gogh’s bedroom with a couple of additions, LUME

Melbourne’s food scene is also excellent and we had a couple of dinners. I’ll Barco was spectacular, and the Punch Lane Wine Bar was an opportunity to have great food and lovely wine.

Melbourne’s weather is famously changeable, as our experience once again confirmed. Fortunately, we had stopped for a drink on Southbank.

From Melbourne it was off to Hobart. Continue reading

Let’s face it, I’m a petrol head!

We live about 250 metres from Adelaide’s Street Circuit. Each year in late February it comes alive to the sounds of V8 Supercars. For many it’s a time to get out of the city, but for me it’s an added bonus of living in the city.

Adelaide for a short while hosted an F1 Grand Prix which was lost to Melbourne quite controversially in the late 1990s. The loss of the race is something South Australians still regard as “dirty darts”, Continue reading