Source : Amazon.com
Its 50 years ago today that the immortal Sound of Music hit the screens. I would be lying to say that I don’t still enjoy the soundtrack.
I haven’t seen the movie for some years, but I must have seen it 50 times. I stopped counting after I’d seen it 7 times in the theatre as a child. I remember the first time I saw it, a Saturday matinee at the now defunct Regent Theatre.

Source: http://regentarcade.com.au/History.aspx
My grandparents took my sister and I for a Saturday outing, Something they did most weekends when we were little. After that I don’t recall who I saw it with, though I am fairly sure it wasn’t with my school friends, as none of us would have admitted we liked it – it just wouldn’t have been cool. Then as our own children were little I remember watching it with them.
From the opening scene until the end it’s just a classic of its time. We certainly don’t make musicals like that these days.
The soundtrack is quite amazing. Whether it’s the opening The Sound of Music sung so crisply by Julie Andrews, the syrupy Sixteen going on Seventeen, My Favourite Things, Do-Re-Me, Climb Ev’ry Mountain, or So Long Farewell as the family prepares their escape, the songs are as enjoyable today as they were when they were released. However, as I refreshed my memory today, it’s the truly stunning voice of Julie Andrews that stands apart. Her voice is just glorious.
It was fascinating listening to the BBC’s witness program today where the movie was featured. I loved the analogy by one of the Von Trapp children that the movie’s telling of their story was like a story told and retold around the neighbourhood eventually returning to its initiator baring limited resemblance. That said, it’s pleasing to her that Maria found the movie to her liking even with the full Hollywood treatment and that the Von Trapp family seem comfortable with it.
If like me you grew up with The Sound of Music why not dust off a copy of the movie or check out the soundtrack either on the LP in the back of the cupboard or on Spotify. I guarantee the memories will flood back.
So true, Browney, it really is a classic. And I, too, have seen it on quite a few occasions. You’re right, it has been a while and it would be good to see it again!