In the last few weeks, I have just been writing for fun. Four published blog posts and a couple of drafts for future reference.
It’s been nice to just free write after spending most of the last year working on my PhD thesis. Over the last twelve months, pretty much every time I have thought about just writing, I have had a sense of guilt that I should be working my thesis. However, across the Christmas New Year period, I made the decision to put the thesis away and have a break.
Its been nice just to free write on topics. It was my love of writing that prompted this blog in the first place and was also the reason I decided to commence a PhD. I sometimes wonder whether there were other ways I could have satisfied my love of writing?
It’s nice to just sit and write, with no need to consider the research question, getting the citation right, or thinking about what the examiners will think.
My free writing is a proper release. A brain clearing experience. Just dumping thoughts. Clearing the head of stuff, readying the brain for a final push to complete my PhD in 2019 but that time is over and it’s time to knuckle down and get back to my research.

The time for relaxing by the beach is over!
Good luck with your PhD! But I hope you can find time to share some free writing with us: all work and no play etc….
Thanks Clive. I’m sure I’ll find time during the year but I expect my posts will be much less regular.
I’m not surprised, you’ve taken on a huge commitment! Hope it goes well 😊
I hope so too.