A recent conversation with my daughter-in-law and the birth of our first grandchild provided a point of reflection on where I am at in “What’s Next”. Perhaps my impending 60th birthday was an added impetus?
It’s been over three and a half years since my last day in the office. While I didn’t formally retire until 30 June 2015, I effectively retired from my firm at the end of March in that year.
So here’s my report card.
I haven’t missed the office for even one day!
I don’t suffer form Retirement Deficit Syndrome. I don’t long for the corporate invitation that was part of my business routine. I really don’t miss dealing with client and people issues. I loved my job and the firm I worked for, but that was then and I have moved on.
We set a goal of an overseas trip each year and for two reasons in 2018, we havent travelled overseas.
Definitely not in order of importance. The first reason we haven’t travelled this year is my favourite person’s suggestion that I really should focus on completing my PhD – a good point. The second and by far most important is the birth of our first grandchild. Our eldest daughter surprised us with the exciting news that she was pregnant on the day we arrived home from the UK!

With my favourite person – a sunny day in the Orkney Islands!
The recent arrival of her first child, our first grandchild has made postponing a trip to the other side of the world no hardship at all.
Since I retired from full-time work we have had 3 terrific trips, Three months in Italy, a short trip to the USA to present a paper I wrote while in Italy instead of working on my book project and last year, a 6 week trip to the U.K. Only now I am starting to think about a trip next year. Back to Italy, I suspect. Somewhere quiet where I can write, either as a newly minted PhD or in limbo while my manuscript is being examined.
As I reflect I cant argue with my favourite person’s observation that I need to focus on completing my PhD. I have written about 40,000 words and feel I am well over halfway there. A goal of completing in the second half of next year seems achievable. I have completed a draft Literature Review, drafted sections of my Research Method and collected what I think is all the data I need and I’m well into my data analysis.
Ive also been reflecting on my planning for What’s Next” I knew that writing was going to be a big part of it. Initially, that was this blog and some articles in a local newspaper. A book was also something I was thinking about – one that captures my journey through “What’s Next”. At that time I thought an academic career might be something to pursue but as time has passed, I have come to realise that an academic career is not the main focus of my undertaking a PhD, nor is getting published. Im glad about the latter as I have just received another rejection email from an academic publisher – all part of life as an academic Im told!

A bound thesis – I can only imagine!

I’m looking forward to visiting George Lilley to purchase my puffy hat!
I realise that completing my PhD is important but not because it opens up career options but because it is something I want to do. My goal is the bound version of my thesis in its red cover with gold lettering. Its fundamental to me, even though the university now accepts the thesis online. I want the real thing and the puffy hat!
Completing a PhD and travel were central points in my planning for “What’s Next”.
I also set a target of doing some consulting work. I am working with 4 firms Each is vibrant and growing. Its a few days work each month and Im loving it. They each present interesting challenges and provide me with an opportunity to interact with younger people energetically building their own businesses. As I reflect, I realise its not about the money although that does make travelling easier.
I said I’d know if my plans hadn’t worked because I would be back doing accounting. Three and a half years on the only accounting work I have done has been on family matters, so that’s a good sign.
There is only one thing I need to work on and that is having more time on the bike.

Tour Village – Tour Down Under, Adelaide
Photos not taken by me:
- Bound thesis photo – Source: https://www.document-centre.co.uk/gallery/thesis-binds/
- The Puffy Hut – https://www.ghlilley.com.au/university-of-adelaide-phd-graduation-gown
Good luck with all of that work, I hope it goes well!
Thanks Clive, its always good to take time out and reflect on where you at.